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beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
to each his/her own.

way to stay on track people :thumbs-up:
I would like 2 kids; one girl and one boy.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and my eyes be holding some pics of some mediocre chicks.

VG, and many others have not posted their pics, nor exposed themselves to my criticisms. Besides, anyone who puts one ounce of credibility in my judgement of how attractive someone is should really re-evaluate their priorities.
If Kid says the word, Silera gets the boot.
I don't know alkey, the top of her head looks ok ;-)
well mr you want children?
kind of, but not really. I would have children if I was married and thought I would be able to stay married for the duration of the children reaching adulthood.

I'm not down for the old crapshoot. I don't wanna have kids unless I know that I can provide them with the life that they deserve. That included the proper parenting as much as it includes the financial necessities that go along with raising kids.

so yes, I want kids, but only under the right circumstances. and no, I would never ask a woman to have an abortion.

there's a whole argument that goes along with this, but I have to go to be now. Maybe I'll continue the idea tomorrow.

Edited By Kid Afrika on Aug. 27 2002 at 12:58
He wants to have children, he just doesn't plan on taking care of them, or meeting them, or financially supporting them or admitting they're his until Jerry or Montel prove it with the D.N.A. tests.
Wha'eva... I do what I want.
Quote:Wha'eva... I do what I want
Quote:He wants to have children, he just doesn't plan on taking care of them, or meeting them, or financially supporting them or admitting they're his until Jerry or Montel prove it with the D.N.A. tests.


Montell he my baby daddy.
Quote:I would like 2 kids; one girl and one boy.

That's what I have - a 5 year old daughter and a 1-year old maniac of a son. Was it what I expected? Hell me, you never know what to expect when you decide to have kids....unless you can afford the lab fees to make the "perfect" kid. At first I didn't want children, and it took a Hell of a lot of convincing for us to have the first...even the second. But, now that I have them, I can't imagine life without them. They are smart, funny, times a great challenge...but its amazing watching them grow and develop into big people :lol: I totally admit it isn't for everyone though. You have to be willing to give up everything for someone else......for a long time.

Ugh....I don't want to pay to put 2 kids through college :disappointed:
I like kids..... in a nice lemon-pepper marinade.
I know what you mean VG. When I would get home from school or work, the kids my mom watches were all over me. I am like their favorite uncle/big brother. The one who plays all the games with them and carries them around on my shoulders. Doesn't matter how bad my day was, they could make me laugh when I got home.
maybe and that's a big stretch...and I'd have to be over 30...and I'd want 2 boys. It couldn't be a girl - all little girls despise their moms from age 10 to 20, I couldn't live with that drama.

Right now, I'm way too selfish, and I can't even remember to water my plants. Though I'd probably make a cool mom.

You can't always plan this stuff, so if it happens, it happens. It's weird that most of our parents were younger than we are now when they had us, and we all keep putting it off...
Quote:It's weird that most of our parents were younger than we are now when they had us, and we all keep putting it off...

That's the only part that worries me. I mean, if your 35 when you have your first kid, that means you'll be 57 when they graduate college. Don't know about you, but I want to be young enough to play football in the park or go rock climbing and stuff with my kids.

And, I want to be there for my grandkids.
Quote:It's weird that most of our parents were younger than we are now when they had us, and we all keep putting it off...

My parents got married late (for their generation) and didn't have me till their 30's. I'd like to have my first before I hit 30 (I got a good 7 years to go), but I'd rather not rush it and wait for the right person to have a family with, which is something my parents did NOT do.
kids are tough.............. i'm a selfish self-centered bastard but i seem to be doing OK with my daughter.

they're really tough when they're very young because you play the guessing game.....the kid is sitting there screaming like a banshee and you have no clue how to fix the problem. so you try a few simple things (like a diaper change, a bottle, a pacifier) and through elimination you figure out what the problem and resovle it. eventually you both learn how to deal with each other. it's basically a learning process.

my wife and i would like to have at least 1 more rugrat but not til our daughter is out of diapers.
1) I'm the only one tall enough here to take on VG.

2) Alkey can vouch for me in that department.

3) I want two kids.

4) I like *shift* *rotate* pancakes. [/The Rock]

5) VG, do you like... struedel?
Quote:I'm the only one tall enough here to take on VG.

Oh contraire mon fraire.........I think K1d, Sean and I are also tall enough to take on the Amazon there :-p Anybody else I forgot?
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