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Quote:Anybody else I forgot?

I'm 6' and don't mind looking up. ;-)
Quote:but the whole thought of being pregnant and me being a mother kinda freaks me out, although i think i'm getting to that age where i get broody when i see people with babies...

me too, if I could just "get" one that would be cool. I don't want to actually pop one out.

Quote:Right now, I'm way too selfish, and I can't even remember to water my plants.
Yeah, but it will cry or something when it's hungry right :lol:

I think I could handle one sometimes. Although my best friend was an only child & she said it sucks. But a husband is like a 2nd kid, so I have to account for that, I wouldn't want to neglect him.

I'd like to have boy(s) too. I think Mom's of boys are always cooler. I figure I can't get away with having none, families get after you about that sort of thing.
Quote:But a husband is like a 2nd kid, so I have to account for that, I wouldn't want to neglect him.

Does that make having a boyfriend like babysitting? :crackhead:
Yes, they take up a lot of your time & have to take them places :lol: .... but they buy ME things so that's different. :firebounce: Oh, and I'm not a kid toucher, so that's different too.
As long as it involves breast feedings... :thumbs-up:
Hey yeah..... any girls here plan on doing that? I'm afraid of the Breastfeeding Nazi you hear about at hospitals.
Quote:1) I'm the only one tall enough here to take on VG.

2) Alkey can vouch for me in that department.

3) I want two kids.

4) I like *shift* *rotate* pancakes. [/The Rock]

5) VG, do you like... struedel?

1. no your not.

2. hi alkey. *touch*

3. i want 3.

4. i make the bestest pancackes...or so im told.

4. no.
m'mmmmmmmmm!!!!! sweet sugary surprise!! now i'm kinda thirsty!

Edited By LZMF1 on Aug. 28 2002 at 10:14
Quote:3. i want 3.

I'll make love to you so intensely the first time we'll probably make twins.
Look what I did to VG... again.

Naked Preggers
:-D :-D :poke:

Edited By Arthur Dent on Aug. 28 2002 at 10:53
suzen, you are the creepiest person ever. EVER!!!11
First and foremost, Tenbatz, can you change that pic to a link, I don't need to get in trouble for looking at naked pregnant chicks at work, I don't think any of us do....

And about the breast feeding, I don't know if I will be able to because of surgery I had a few years back, but I would like to try to breast feed for the first few months at least, especially since its supposed to help the little buggers immune systems.
Did you get a lump taken out or put in, polly?
No lumps....and no implants either thank you very much. :thumbs-up:
you have nippy rings right? did you ask if that'll affect it? you know, like would the milk squirt out the side too?
I didn't ask the dude who pierced me about that, but that's because he kinda creeped me out....its a long story that I'm not posting :clueless:
pinched them a little too excitedly? licked em?
put his hand on your crouch to balance himself?
Sorry about the link, I actually forgot people read this place instead of actually working. Smile

And KidA, how is a pregnant girl "creepy"? How is it any worse than yellow discipline or anal sex for that matter?

I think it's more of a general creepiness that you sort of, well, oooze :crackhead:
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