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not that this says much but i find him to be quite humorous.

the "i wanna taint britney with my seed" comment almost had me in tears because i was laughing so hard.
Much like Ladi's monthly flow, I'm an acquired taste.
No soup for you! Rolleyes
Quote:I think it's more of a general creepiness that you sort of, well, oooze


We got a winner!!!11
Quote:No soup for you!

What does Keyser have to do with your period?
Just when you thought he couldn't get any creepier...
Tenbats is a legend in his own mind.
He seems to enjoy the view of his head in his ass :thumbs-up:
Well he's a pimp, he's fucked half of the board... by proxy.
KidA, you call me creepy.

Surely you're missing my avatar, the epitome of creepiness.
The creepitude continues to increase.
Cavity creeps, cavity creeps, crest gel crest gel
Will it ever stop?
k1d likes the bucket o' KFC part of tenbats' avatar!
Chistopher Walken GOOOOD
Tenbatsuzen BAAAAD :thumbs-up:

Quote:Cavity creeps, cavity creeps, crest gel crest gel
ok, but this was actually sorta funny :crackhead: I can picture little green monsters
Quote:ok, but this was actually sorta funny

The infection spreads.

Something I'm sure you're all too familiar with, Ladi.
Chivalry is NOT dead. :rofl:
yeah it is k1d who are you kidding?? ;-)
Quote:Something I'm sure you're all too familiar with, Ladi.
says the one who "fucked half the board"

you leave my VD out of this, it's the only thing that keeps me warm at night :moonie: the trailer is a drafty place
Quote:the trailer is a drafty place

Maybe if you were able to close those legs once in a while....the draft would subside :crackhead: as would the stench :moonie:
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