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Get the shower massager with the pulsating water option with the flexible hose. It'll keep any dirty girl clean and happy. :thumbs-up:
You suck. You get nothing NJ. Good day sir!
Well, the reason that only men are responding is because only men are smart enough that their jobs require that they have computers. The chicks will be on when their children sign onto AoL.
::looks into crystal ball:: She'll get the bunny.... :loveya:
thanks polly :thumbs-up:
Now we're getting somewhere. This is hot. :burnfucker:
oh and i dont want anything big either....
Start off slow and small, keeps the bleeding to a minimum.
Quote:oh and i dont want anything big either....

:zips up pants:
Is that your idea of a pickup line Gonzy?
Gonzo, I think she wants it for the other opening. i can perfect my blow job. you know so i can advance myself on message boards. :lol:
Just buy this. It's Fez endorsed. :thumbs-up:

[Image: sybian.gif]
froy wanted to send me one of those. i kid you not.
I'll make you asst. admin, get to suckin bitch.
really? oh wow..then i would be the coolest... :blow:
Come on, it ain't gonna suck itself.
features you need:
clitoral stimulus
multiple speeds...

something like this:
[Image: DJgrandfinale1460-02.jpg]

I go to the Love Shack in Toms River, but that's too far for you bennie :-P

Perfect for rave parties, magus will be in heaven.
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