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what a coinky-dink, I can remember movies & not school work :thumbs-up:
Sometimes what I remember from school ruins my movies :disappointed:

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on 1034647688
yes lets have a brad pitt moment....
i want to lick his hip bones....

[Image: p6_7.jpg]
Quote:i want to lick his hip bones....
oh baby oh baby, I've always loved that spot! :firebounce:
just look at him...i want him to throw me down on that cement floor and violate me in so many ways...after i get to lick his hop bones of course
I want to throw him down on the floor & violate him till his ears bleed :loveya:
i go first!
ok :thumbs-up: then he'll be extra sweaty
can i watch afterwards though?
yeah ok
will you call me Marla?
only if you say " i haven't been fucked like that since grade school"
I wanna have your abortion
ok, marla.

*edit ok now that's scary. which celebrity did i tell you i though you would be like? that is offically my new name for you.

Edited By virgingrrl on 1034654620
this one I had to look up, I couldn't get it all correct ....

Quote:I got this dress at a thrift store for one dollar.

It's a bridesmaid's dress. Someone loved it intensely for one day, then tossed it. Like a Christmas tree -- so special, then, bam -- it's abandoned on the side of the road, tinsel still clinging to it...

Like sex crime victims, underwear inside-out, bound with electrical tape.
you are not a unique snowflake
Clean food please
you are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else
"If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla."

from dil-pons to fight club. i love it.
his name is robert paulson, his name is robert paulson

like a shaved monkey, ready to be shot into space

we can't get married, we are a generation of little boys raised by women, the last thing we need is another woman.
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