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Spit, that's not the bunny I'm in love with, I'll send you a pic later too...
I thought Seph was the raver?
i dont care what you buy, i just want to be the first one to break it in on you
Seph, magus..

what is the difference?
One has facial hair.
good, Polly, I'm always looking for something new :thumbs-up:
I've been in love with it for over a year, but haven't bought it, tried to con two people into getting it for me, but I've given up, I'm taking the plunge next pay check...and its from Japan! :thumbs-up:
Facial hair, I thought that was from having balls smacked across his chin.
Balls....facial's all the same to him.
VG, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.
Blowing the opportunity is actually a good thing in this case.
I think she's holding out for stock options guys.
Quote:Spit, that's not the bunny I'm in love with, I'll send you a pic later too

I've seen a pic of it and I gotta tell you...I've seen industrial strength drills that are smaller than this thing
Lou Weed swears by it.

[Image: jackjesus3.jpg]

Freddie...what the Hell is that thing? ----->[Image: schwoog.gif]
It gives me the heebie jeebies... :clueless:
Its Black Earl from the future.
Quote:I've seen a pic of it and I gotta tell you...I've seen industrial strength drills that are smaller than this thing
If you think it's big, I feel really sorry for your girlfriend. :-)

Okay so here they are:

Quote:Explosive Hot Orange Orgasms or Your Money Back! The first of its kind, the Rabbit Pearl has rotating "pearls" in the middle of the gyrating shaft to give extra delight. The rabbit ears work magic in this winning combination for sheer satisfaction.
[Image: v-xx-018.jpg]

And if you prefer the one without the battery pack....

Quote:Just like the original Japanese Rabbit Pearl but with the control pack fastened on the end. Same great Rabbit Pearl Action, no annoying cords !!
[Image: v-vt-10-4.jpg]
The rotating beeds gimmie a wierd feeling. Kinda like when its really hot out and you drink way to much and get on a ferry. Very uncomfortable.
Ummm a boy or a girl?
Anything that has a glock handle on it is not meant for the pussy.

Quote:If you think it's big, I feel really sorry for your girlfriend.

Don't. She'll be getting all I've got to give tonight and in the future, while you'll still be waiting for the ups guy to deliver your package :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :moonie:
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