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All it took was a little love and she's all ours...
Quote:Join us, Silera... We're your friends.
[Image: marijuana-joint.jpg]

Everyone will think you're cool when you smoke marijuana.
[Image: marijuana.gif]

What's the big deal? Your parents probably smoked marijuana once or twice when they were your age.
[Image: story.jpg]

How could something that comes from Mother Earth be bad for you?
[Image: marijuana.jpg]

**sniff** that was beautiful, man :loveya: :fuggin: :thumbs-up:
Peer pressure is so fun.
Dammit man. I step away for a few hours, and you let keyser and hybrid in here, AND they distracted you while Silera escaped.

To the bongmobile boys! Lets get her back! :fuggin:
Fine... but I'm Bongman and your my trusty sidekick!
we need a truce. :fuggin:
I already told you, Hybrid. Send us the woman and there will be peace between the colonies.
cant we share?
[Image: pimp.gif]
I guess so, but that means she's gotta throw us a decent picture every now and then too.
[Image: deal.gif] Deal? SIGN IT!
Quote:I guess so, but that means she's gotta throw us a decent picture every now and then too.

OK!! :bouncer: I want a spaceship. May I have a spaceship please??
:Confusedcribbles:: DEAL!!!

Quote:OK!! I want a spaceship. May I have a spaceship please??


[Image: ufo.jpg]

Edited By Danked on Mar. 22 2002 at 12:32
go sign the deal in the kingdom also, so we each have a copy........
Ok. Hops on the spaceship and goes over to the Kingdom.
are we quite finished in here?
NaughtyAngel Wrote:are we quite finished in here?
Nobody asked you to come here!!! EEEK! Get out! Get out! :fuggin:
well i didnt ask for you and dweedle dum to invade my place but you did

i just came here to remind spit of the deal me and her made
time to assult...
[Image: f-14.jpg]
[Image: F-14%20Tomcat.jpg]
[Image: b2_2.jpg]
[Image: D-Day.jpg]
[Image: 300.jpg]
[Image: Frigate.jpg]
i've been expanding the royal millitary, as you can see

bye bye grow room
[Image: 01-08-29-explosion.jpg]

and now to ensure no more growth...
[Image: saltpile.jpg]
(thats salt, not snow)
[Image: 881789223375.jpg]

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Mar. 22 2002 at 01:55
fbdlingfrg Wrote:and now to ensure more growth...

[Image: 881789223375.jpg]
Thanks man! It's doing even better now!

[Image: cannabis_spp_bud26.jpg]
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