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remind me to hide from you danked
hey silera!!!
Hey, Amy... could you excuse us?

Go wait outside in The Pit or something. I just need two minutes with Silera.
TWO MINUTES?!?!?!?!? :firebounce:
This stud too much for you, baby?
:lookatme: :fuggin:

Ahhhhhhhh...... the growroom.

Feels like I'm back in the womb.
i don't remember posting here in the last couple of days :-o :fuggin:
Quote:i don't remember posting here in the last couple of days
Must be pretty Weird, huh?

Sometimes I could swear I posted in a thread, but I can't be found anywhere within it.
i hate when that happens :fuggin: [Image: wavey.gif]
so, somebody at work can get me shrooms, is $70 for an eighth too much? i always just picked em for free before ... Undecided
Pffffttt... they better be good mushrooms then. I don't think I ever paid much more than I would for an eighth of weed, but then again I never bought them outside of a concert parking lot either.

Edited By Danked on Aug. 26 2002 at 8:47
Too expensive! but if it's the only way to get them, I say it's worth it, especially if they're really blue...down here, we get mushrooms for $40 an eighth, though that may be friend prices and it's probably more like $60
hey spit!!!!!
eh, i found out from someone else who got some off him that they were crap. oh well :disappointed:

i think he's just some newbie lightweight or something because he's always talking about how much pot he gets for so cheap and swears it's really good stuff Rolleyes
[Image: roses.jpg]
[Image: 180g-box-truffles-400.jpg]
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