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All are welcome with the stoners...
You can always hang. :thumbs-up:
But if they try to lay any shit on us, it's over.

The stoners demand their own forum free from their tyranny.
Sounds like too much work for me...
Just pass the bong dude...
::cough cough::

What was I talking about? Confusedmokey:
I dunno, but, you were begining to sound like Jack...
And that was harshin my mellow man...

::cough, cough::'ere ya go::cough::

I'm so out of the loop... :-(
ok.... somebody pass me the bong & please explain to me what the sam hell is going on on this board... thanks:fuggin:
im hiding here for a while, the rest of the board scares me
hi Amy :lookatme:
sorry danked
ill leave
yo, hippie.... gimme one of them beers & i'll share my hash with you ;-)
Cheers, mate!

[Image: IM048412.gif]
Rehab. That little whore smoked all are shit and moved on to hard drugs.

It is a gateway drug, you know. Rolleyes
now what?
Next time I see you, you're getting stoned. :fuggin:

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