Full Version: This looks like a good place...
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You worked on getting some liquor in here yet? Or should I bring my own?

[Image: sig10.jpg]
My favoooooorite.

So I'll just chill here and get drunk. You dont mind do you?
:thumbs-up: I'm out of marijuana, so I'll join you.
Woo Hooooooo

Let's get shit faced!!!!!!!! :bouncer:
[Image: Tequila.gif]

More tequila, my dear?
The new hiding place, mods can't reply. Knock yourselves out
isnt this spits "chill spot" though? now what will she do....
Woah woah woah...

You can't just uproot these babies without traumatizing them. Plus the stoner mods can't post here now.
muah ha ha what will you do, hemp knight? Confusedeph:

Edited By HyBriD on Mar. 26 2002 at 11:20
what the fuck? i'm scared, somebody hold me? :disappointed:
Oh.... It's okay, baby... c'mere.... there's nothing to worry about...

::hugs pot plant::

Oh! Hi Tricia! When'd you come in?
When I found out I couldn't wake and bake, I was fucking pissed!!! But I went around it Confusedneak: hehehe

You can't keep me down Sean :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:
way to fight the system spit

now that we're neigbors i hope you dont mind the racket from the rebuilding of the kingdom, maymay kinda destroyed our home
Wow, check this shit out!! Gonna need a map to get around this place soon. All the 'secret' tunnels. I'd leave a bread crumb trail, but one of the stoners would eat it.
Hey Ladi Wrote:Wow, check this shit out!! Gonna need a map to get around this place soon. All the 'secret' tunnels. I'd leave a bread crumb trail, but one of the stoners would eat it.
:thumbs-up: I like pumpernickel.

Welcome back, your royal spitness.

Edited By Danked on Mar. 27 2002 at 10:17
Ohhh Ohhh, Sean must've given us back our right to be high!

I was worried when I couldnt post in here last night. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :fuggin:
Showed the bouncer you ass did you?
cool, no mods... party time.... :fuggin:
i'm getting so confused Sad is this the growroom or amy's silly little kingdom? :fuggin:
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