Full Version: Another contest to waste your talents on - Dent felt inspired in la.
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Baker, aged 15, was found dead in his own home today. Neighbors claimed to hear many odd noises coming from the home earlier in the day and claimed that the whole house shook at one point and then there was silence.

On a related note, Jack has not been able to be reached for comment and relatives are unsure of his whereabouts. More to come as this story develops.
i dont get it Undecided
I get it. Are you like Jekyl and Hyde? See he's Baker, then he goes through a ferocious transformtion and the house shakes and then he's Jack. Right?

I don't see where he dies though.
basically jack just confessed that he has baker tied in the basement and he ass rapes him every night
Oh. Okay.
wait, why does the house shake when jack anally intrudes his little brother?
That's his little brother?

Dude, that's sick!
ummm think about it
I don't wanna.
OAS died today. He was pretty fucking old.
Did he fall over picking up his apostophe?
Keyser Soze died yesterday. He broke his neck after trying to manually turn his face inside out so that he can look at himself 24/7. He leaves behind a bunch of cover songs.
pfffft, ive tried, it doesnt work.
Quote:OAS died today. He was pretty fucking old.
Can't you just feel the creative juices that were flowing to come up with that one? Rolleyes
Quote:A VOICE FROM BEYOND!!!!!!!!! SPOOOOOOOOKY!!!!!!!!111

Keyser killed himself today after realizing he recycled an arpi line.
IrishAlkey's baby was murdered by a disease-ridden redhead.

Aprikarhu was tragicall murdered today. The cast of Rent was stunned today when Arpi was hit in the head by a falling sandbag while wiping up a spilled bottle of water on the stage after a disgruntled actor threw it at him because it was too warm.

Police are investigating the incident as a homicide due to the obviously cut rope and witness reports of someone shouting "Goodbye, Strokey!" from the catwalk. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the WWE wrestler <s>Triple H</s> Kevin Nash was briefly a suspect, until it was determined that he was in Louisiana at the time of the incident. Police continue to search for a suspect fitting <s>Triple H's</s> Kevin Nash's description.

Edit - Thanks, Jack. Now it's less unfunny. :lol:

Edited By Arthur Dent on 1036717358
Quote:"Goodbye, Strokey!"

That was funny...

Quote:Unconfirmed reports indicate that the WWE wrestler Triple H was briefly a suspect, until it was determined that he was in Louisiana at the time of the incident. Police continue to search for a suspect fitting Triple H's description.

Where did the funney go?
i want a shirt. i dont feel like writing a story. just get me a shirt.
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