Full Version: Another contest to waste your talents on - Dent felt inspired in la.
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I won 2nd place in the song parody contest.
so uh... hey.. any word on who won yet???
Sonny Forelli wins! :banana: :banana:
Quote:so uh... hey.. any word on who won yet???

Nope. I'm back. nobody declared a winner before I left LA. Hence, no t-shirt.
uber gay
and of course, its not like t-shirts can be ordered online or through the mail...
cheap bastard
Quote:and of course, its not like t-shirts can be ordered online

....last time we talked about t-shirts, a message board was deleted.....
jack > t-shirts
give me my fuckin prize
I want a T-Shirt. I entered.
um, i think you were left in charge, and since you didn't do anything about picking a winner, you have no one to blame but yourself...
Quote:and of course, its not like t-shirts can be ordered online or through the mail...
Or pusrchased before hand and held until a decvision is made.
yeah..I went to doubler d's tonight and had a few,.....
it's ok jack, still :loveya: ya
no tshirts, dent????????????
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