Full Version: Another contest to waste your talents on - Dent felt inspired in la.
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i do?
yea Undecided
Did I fucking win damnit?
Why not? I want a TShirt too.
put dent in the cell until he brings us all tshirts
Hybrid died yesterday. He leaves his Brendon Lee shrine to Danked. The End.
shirt please. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I don't want it either way.

I've got the movie on VHS, that's enough.
Do you have a Mia Kirshner shrine? I'll take that one.
nope. just brandon. and it's all yours buddy. :banana:
Shoot. At least I can be comforted in the fact that you're dead.
This is gonna be ther CDIH version of the WOW contest isnt it?
These contest around here are like Publishers Clearing House. There never is a real winner.
sure there is, sleeper won and used all his custom statuses Undecided
yea...that was amazing!!
what contest did he win? :clueless:
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