Full Version: CDIH Radio - It's back
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Bring it.
Quote:I've never actually even seen the movie.
it was OK but you're not really missing much. the 1st was definitely the best. the sequels were lame :disappointed:
Quote:Maymay, I can give you some old school metal if you're interested.
Maymay ignored me.....he's a turd. :-(
Hey Luna, if you're back in a metal mood, listen to that mix I sent you again! :thumbs-up:
Sorry Luna. I went to bed.

I have lots o old skool metal. But the sound quality really bothers me on old stuff. :-(
is this gonna happen again?
Maybe tonight.

depends on how I feel. Keyser said he got his up and running again too, so hopefully he'll play some stuff some time soon. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Hey Luna, if you're back in a metal mood, listen to that mix I sent you again!
I do like Kyuss. I've listened to it quite a few times. :thumbs-up:
once i get pc anywhere setup on my home pc so i can broadcast from work, i will, maybe as soon as tomorrow.
Hey, if you want I'll try to set something up today...but I play some really weird shit....
Quote:but I play some really weird shit....
Weird? hahaha....

Play some Melt Banana :thumbs-up:
No, don't.

Someone play lots of Dead for me. :poke:
please do Spit!
Fine! I'll start my own internet radio show and listen to it all by myself!
Quote:Someone play lots of Dead for me. :poke:
Oh sure.....make me dance around like a dead me, you don't want to see that. :poke:
Danked, I have some Dead...
not all of what I listen to is scary heavy :-(
I don't want to hear about your devil music!
Danked is mean :-( you hurt my feelings you brute
haha melt banana is definetly weird
Melt Banana=Japanese Noise Gods
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