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i listened to it. cock.

Edited By Hybrid on 1042569817
Hybrid's a bitch.

Damn youts of today.
now they're doing the monster mash. but its a different band now i think.
You mean Weezer wrote other songs besides the ones about the sweater and the hash pipe?
the blue album is good stuff
Is it on May's ftp?
holiday rawks!
i dont know. i havent been able to connect for a while now.
MSI is the worst band ever
I like this song. So blow me.

Yes, its on my server.

That was the Misfits doing Monster Mash.
they are horrible but this song is kinda catchy
Got some Dead coming up for you Dankey. :thumbs-up:

One of my fav dead songs

I'll bet you anything it's some gay ass Brent Mydland stuff. Rolleyes
Whats wrong with Brent???
If you're going old. How about some Hot FUCKING Tuna?
play daughters for danked.
I kid. I love Brent.

But he's sure not Pigpen with his 30 minute Hard To Handle's.
Nice. I love this song.

I can play this poorly on guitar.
No one is Pigpen. :-(
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