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No candles here at work. But I'm flicking my banjo lighter.
play more good music. thanks.
play every time i die. i know you have it.
This song is from Hybrid, for Danked. :crackhead:
I don't hear anything at all. *Just froze on my end. Fixed.

Play Phish playing Frankenstein for Hybrid. From Vol 13, Disc One

Edited By Danked on 1042569172
play some =W=
you dont hear anything? what do you mean.... Undecided
Just froze. I fixed it and heard it.

haha nwa roooooooock
NWA ownz you.

West Side mothafukkas!
I'm straight out of Irvington, NJ.

That's ghetto, right? Lok at me! I'm ghetto!
More Phish?? :crackhead:


I have to turn the radio down everytime someone says "nigger." They're looking at me funny.

Edited By Danked on 1042569513
I'll play Frankenstein, but I'm gonna play Godzilla right behind it.
That works. Can I give a shout out?

Props to my buds, Sunshine and Dog Faced Boy! Yo, Veggie Burrito! You da man!
Wait! You know veggie burrito too??
Do I? Only went to Kindergarten with the motherfucker!
i like how i can turn off the feed for a few minutes to listen to a song i downloaded, and come back and still have 19 minutes of phish to listen to.
I like how I was nice enough to listen to Hybrid's request but he blows me off.
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