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I am prepared to wee. Bring it on.

Then play some Mother McCree's. Oh, that's right. You closed me out before I could upload it!

Play some Tenacious D instead.
There is some D coming up.

And you were never removed from my FTP. Everyone lost upload rights. Not just you blondie.
Nice! Arrested Develoment. Been awhile since I've heard this.

Quote:And you were never removed from my FTP. Everyone lost upload rights. Not just you blondie.
I know. I just like to make you out like some kind of Nazi. I downloaded The Bends this morning. :thumbs-up:
Avril Lavigne? Fag!
:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead:
full of suck!
I expect no less from Maynard. :-p
Cut him some slack he needs something to spank too.
Avril was a request.
my bum is on maynard's feed!
theres just something hilarious about tom green talking about poo poo. :lol:
My fragile hippie ears are bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeding!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite riff...

[Image: Peace!.gif][Image: Peace!.gif][Image: Peace!.gif][Image: Peace!.gif][Image: Peace!.gif]
You can hear a riff in all that?
Are you weeing yet?

The thing I love about Electric Wizard is they bombard you with a riff. And just when you think the song is keeps going.

If you get high and DONT listen to this, theres something wrong with you. :-p
I get high and listen to The Whos' Tommy over candlelight. It blew my mind.

Reminds me of my youth when I wrote for Rolling Stone.
you're gonna need some mushroom for E-Wiz
The next tracks for you Dankey. :-D
I can see my entire life unfolding in front of my mind's eye.
Did you light candles?
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