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oh yeah, that too
lots of water
a chair...
.... Earth .... maybe
my last nerve
...the road.
On borrowed time, on easy terms ... living on the never never, constant as the changing weather, never suuuuure whooooo's at the door, or the price we'd have payyyy ... :banana:
on top of spaghetti
all covered with cheese
i lost my poor meatball
when somebody sneezed
...a leave me alone...
I'm still "on" my chair. :clueless:
Quote:...a leave me alone...

[Image: Ttbreak.jpg]
:lol: Terry Tate rules....

anywho... i'm on Mt. Dew & :fuggin:
Quote:drank too many White Russians one night and I got REALLY sick, and not drunk sick either, like stomach achey sick. I don't drink them in abundance anymore, and mudslides do the same thing to me.

me and my roommate were at a wedding a few years ago. he was drinking white russians all night and right in the middle of desert, he pukes all over the table and my tux. we took him up to his room, where he passed out and i ended up getting jiggy with the girl he was hitting on all night.
i just cleaned my bathroom sink and took out the trash, so i'm going to reward myself with :fuggin: of course that means i'll probably never put away my laundry or sweep the floor, we'll see...

oh, and diet mt dew :thumbs-up:
Too... much... weed... Undecided
I thought so too... but tonight I am living proof.
i won't believe it until i see pictures
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