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smoking = bad

I'm on like 2 hours sleep...and they weren't consecutive either...
:poke: shove off

Polly, what is the Naproxen? I'm not sure which is which, here
I think Naproxen is just an aspirin type thing.....but, I may be confused, so don't listen to me. :clueless:
I WAN GO HOME! Undecided
Mt. Dew & Camel Lights... and just finished up the last of my :fuggin:
Yep, the Naproxen is like Aleve...I think its the generic form, they won't give me pain killers, so my doctor said to mix the Naproxen and another over the counter medicine and that it should have a similar effect without the narcotic side effects. I have Vicodin left over from the summer when I was sick, but I don't want to take my chances....
the Naproxen makes me not care that it hurts, I feel looser, but it still hurts :-D :disappointed:
my ass...I'm on my ass right now and I have no intention of moving for the rest of the night...
You should see if you can get a massage or something....ughh speaking of which, I'd kill for a massage right now...I'll do you if you do me?
Quote:You should see if you can get a massage or something....ughh speaking of which, I'd kill for a massage right now...I'll do you if you do me?
Sure thing...I'll take care of you first...head over to the couch...
8 hourz of sleep
yeah for me :thumbs-up:
cup o coffee #2
oooowwwwwoooooooooo :disappointed:

I'm not good with long term pain, i whine

came in late & not working tommorrow
:poke: How does that feel?
no continuous, just hit me a couple times :thumbs-up:
I'm hungry, I'm thinking Taco Hell & pray for death
:rofl: Isn't that almost a certainty if you have that for lunch?
you're sharp :poke:
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