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[Image: coffee-cup-ivory-solid-steaming.jpg]
You're the bestest!! :toast:
n'yuck, n'yuck...
why I outta.....
::pokes you both in the eyes::
its always funny until someone loses an eye
thanks dad :moonie:
Quote:its always funny until someone loses an eye

And then its a sport.
Quote:thanks dad
Mom always said: "Don't play ball in the house......."
Dad always use to say "As long as you live under my roof........."
treez are burning :fuggin:
wake n bake
apple juice & nicotine...
:lookatme: {creepy voice}Hi Momo!{/cv}
now lookie here Salsa Boy.... if you keep stalking me like this, i may be forced into banning you from the Stoner Forum.... :angry:
Please don't do that... :-(
Ooooh...FN is getting all TuffnStuff.....

Or is that PuffNStuff (as in H.R. :-D )
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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