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[foghorn leghorn]that boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball[/fl]
Quote:[foghorn leghorn]that boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball[/fl]
Thanks...I just about spit my coffee everywhere.
Taco Hell lite ... work food, steak-um quisadia (sp)
leftover baked chicken
potatoes and chourico
dr pepper
No time to break for lunch. :-( Starving and jealous. Plese bring me some food.
i have some chicken bonez you can pick on
but no potatoes for you :-p
FINALLY got to eat. Grilled chicken wrap.
Thanx for the bonez.
hehe bone :crackhead:
Did you watch Beavis and Butthead Do America this weekend too?
eww, no, they annoy the skin right off me Confusedneak:
oh GREAT stoner flick. on the way home I saw a sign for Teterboro and I was going "hehehe hehehe Teter."
I dare you to guess :lol: no coffee this time
green sticky stuff stuck to my handz
sorry that was just me passing out for a couple of secondz
i dropped mine on myself the otherday! I was sooo mad looking at leaves on my sock & having to pick them all up
Unisom, Singulair, Zyrtec-D, Aleve, Topomax, water. and Blistex.
Iced tea, my chair, squeaky-shower-fresh, and 8 hours sleep.
12 hrs sleep, naproxen, skelaxin, ibuprofen, fuggin & chair
my chair covered in a warm american flag blanket.
naproxen, skelaxin, ibuprofen, zoloft & :fuggin:


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