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Here's your new Admin logo

[Image: sleepercrisis.jpg]
Quote:Sleeper's brilliance would only improve this board.
- Galt will be made co-admin, and Jack will be dethroned
Gooch, we got the joke the first time!
Quote:- new background skin, this one is dull as all fuck
- allow nudity in the pit, it's a bullshit rule that never made sense because people at work can turn off pictures as well as sigs
- the secret mod forum will be viewable to all members

Don't like the first one but the rest are cool :thumbs-up:
I relinquish my throne to DIG. I don't need the praise nor the power.
I am fine with DIG except he likes really shitty music, but he is still better than Jack, so it's a go.
sleeper's office door

[Image: sleeperoffice.jpg]
- Gooch will be forced to change his name to GreasyItalianPrincess since he is only humorous as his alter ego.
Quote:new background skin, this one is dull as all fuck
- allow nudity in the pit, it's a bullshit rule that never made sense because people at work can turn off pictures as well as sigs
- the secret mod forum will be viewable to all members
i must admit that he has changed my mind. i throw my full support behind sleeper.
let his day dawn!!!
Yes. Give me buttons. I dare you.
i ask all of you that focus on me to please give sleeper your vote.
I think this is pretty much a done deal. all I need is for someone to finish his shift at Blockbuster and see this and I am in.
will you mod me?
yes, you will replace tricia.
before I turn my admin throne over to DIG, I will make and edict that prevents Arpikarhu from ever being mod.
this will not do!
sleeper, you must make a decision.
Quote:before I turn my admin throne over to DIG, I will make and edict that prevents Arpikarhu from ever being mod.
I will have to respect this edict, but I hope this does not sway your support Arpi.
here here. i'd take that money-pandering loon, Galt over Arpi.
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