Full Version: Make me an admin
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i need to know if sleeper agrees to this edict or overrules it.
Also, I will get IkeaBoy to start posting again within the next month
Quote:i need to know if sleeper agrees to this edict or overrules it.
I have no power to overrule an edict placed by my co-admin. sorry that's the way it goes.
i await your verdict sleeper
I'll be playing my fiddle and dancing on this board's ashes once I'm admin'ed.
ari usurped. back the the Info Board poll for you, slappy!
DIG, Godsmack sucks. Get over it. :21:
i withdraw my support and i demand that all who focus on me please use all of your efforts to defeat this attempt by sleeper.
Quote:i withdraw my support and i demand that all who focus on me please use all of your efforts to defeat this attempt by sleeper.
If you continued your support of me, I would have rescinded my claim to make Galt an admin and would have modded you. However, you have failed my little test and have shown your fickleness and selfish ways. I spit on you.
The BOY must be stopped. Someone shut down NYU's T3 lines!
I will turn this into Godsmack's Official Messageboard and I will give everyone custom "I love Godsmack" statuses.
Quote:I will turn this into Godsmack's Official Messageboard and I will give everyone custom "I love Godsmack" statuses.
you have lost any hope of ever having any position of power under my rule.
good god, the horror
The BOY is getting very bitchy. The end is near for this ADMIN power grab.
I am simply seperating the people who truly support me and the ones who will use my power for their own personal gain like ARPIKARHU
Is the Sleeper/Galt power push Kid A's NWO?
It is just something that is needed. I have been completely honest with what I will do as an admin with none of the political bullshit that people like Arpi used. The changes that I have promised will be made and will improve the forum. the end.
Yes but is it Froy approved?
Froy is dead
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