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I will run against him. :39:

Edited By Baker on 1050892763
Only if he's in an ice cream truck...
no one is running against anyone. Admin's are chosen, not voted in. I will be chosen. The end.
If I were admin.

I would give credit where credit is due, Arpi shall be a super mod.
I will have Alkey's nut hairs singed off.
and I'm open to suggestion.

Edited By Baker on 1050892964
baker and sleeper for admin
don't bother. i'd rather see FoundryMusicJeff made admin over you.

while i think bakers ideas are genius, i am unable to give him my or my focusees support. his selection is an impossibility. anyone else?
and hybrid as a mod.
Keyser should retire to focus on more on himself, as well. I see numerous mod postions coming open.
you forget I have experence I admin and hack 4 other Ikonboards.
Baker can't even moderate his calorie intake.
i've seen those boards. don't quit your day job.
Unlike Arpi or Sleeper none of my posts were tricks or posts. They were straight from the heart. If I am ever admin, I can guarantee that Arpi will never have mod power.

For Sleeper to be so wishy washy vexes me and makes me rethink telling my vast minions to support a Sleeper regime.
alkey's got some great one-liners tonight. :4:
how am i being wishy washy?
i remember when galt supported me. :-(
i always go for those who don't ask for it: which removes most of you.
Quote:i've seen those boards. don't quit your day job.

Oh really then why does my new board have 40 members sinceyesterday and over 1,000 post?
arpi, giving you mod-status is like giving DIG a DJ Shadow CD.
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