Full Version: Make me an admin
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your campaign is adrift and full of internal strife. you need my support.
hedcold made him a cd mix?
Quote:hedcold made him a cd mix?
now that was funny!
Quote:your campaign is adrift and full of internal strife
it is that way because I am telling it like it is and not simply trying to please everyone. The conflict is a good sign that my reign will be a success.
I see a new album of the year thread from DIG coming if someone sends it over to him.
[Image: Cobra-20000815-2.jpg]
Quote:The conflict is a good sign that my reign will be a success.
i would like to support you but if my modship is not assured then i will be forced to nominate and support a new candidate
Arpi, you're modship will not be assured until you prove that you have the boards best interests in mind above your own. so far I am not seeing this from you.
arpi, you backstabber, i always voted yes in your mod me polls ya know. :35:
don't worry tricia, you will be de-modded regardless of arpi's position. hope that makes you feel better. :thumbs-up:
perhaps you should spend less time on this and more on your getting laid campaign.
lets not tackle the impossible.
Quote:perhaps you should spend less time on this and more on your getting laid campaign.
this will be taken into consideration, as I do care about member suggestions!
Tricia would remain mod in the GIP / Opus administration.
i didnt read this thread but i'd vote for sleeper
He should just let a tranny suck him off.
since sleeper refuses to give me a modship under his reign , i must unfortunatly seek a new candidate. i supported all of sleepers views but he has forced my hand. who will run against sleeper?
Quote:He should just let a tranny suck him off.
can't be worse than Shelle
A hole is a hole is a hole...
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