Full Version: forum contest week #4
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WhackBagKid Wrote:[Image: suziesplace.jpg]
you gave gooch a dick. whats that all about?
eeven I'll admit WBK that's pretty funny.
oh its a strapon
project MS pseudo

eh...why am i included?

:banana: :banana:
Quote:as someone who's partied at my place I'm sure you'll represent it with chilling accuracy
yep, just looking for that perfect shade of "hispanic guy" to colour in some people
details please!
[Image: suziee.gif]
haha this contest rules so far
i dont get alkeys
which one is me in alkeys?
is that mr perfect, or suzie?
suzies apartment is an ambulance?
so many unaswered questions. . .
alkey's entry needs a sequel.

or maybe a prequel?

Edited By Suzie on 1056747960
you people are so critical
im going to laugh before its even posted

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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