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not critical. i just dont understand it
[Image: suziesnow.gif]
[Image: suzie.7227.gif]
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
alkeys first one- i still dont understand
alkeys second one - pure genius
mads- which one is suzie. she cant be the gassy one but the gassy one is the one on coke. its very confusing
MAD!!!!! :bow:
yea i was referring to alkeys second one
who cares, its still funny!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
wow, you guys ARE overly critical. Regardless of it's inaccuracies I can't look at mad's without laughing out loud. hard.
i am not being critical!! i just want to understand the artists intent so that i may fully appreciate it. sheesh!
did you understand mine?
how come you and alkey made me blond?
i did?
Suzie Wrote:how come you and alkey made me blond?
are you sure that you are the blond one.? i thought the other girl was the gassy one. see my confusion?
oh or maybe it was alkey and alkey.
Knew I saw 2 . .
i like alkeys, but i have to point out,
Quote:mspaint a typical night at suzies house.
when the Hell did sheri put in a mountain in her living room? one big enough to ski on at that
I request that Arpi expand the rules to include my picture.
love your pic bud, but i had to point that out
rules not expanded , however since alkeys pic was submitted before the rule clarification, his snow pic will be allowed.
what i posted didn't count as questioning the rules?
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