Full Version: forum contest week #4
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Look at the Wacky thread for answers grandpa
Zippy Aidsface Wrote:who the fuck is editing my posts?
:rofl: :rofl:
thats what happens when you dont check the board every day :rofl:
i have no idea what is going on
now i get it.

Uncle Moneybags
Mr. Mentally Unbalanced
Zippy Aidsface
limey cunt
Tommy Chong Hack
you are a quick one
lyrical Kool-aid
Pizza Club Cock Smoker

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1057544387
very cute. Rolleyes
mine doesnt even apply to me. Mr. Mentally Unbalanced is asleep at the wheel.
I find it funny, thats all that counts Zippy Aidsface.
remember that you said that
Yeah you weren't in on the joke and now you are all crabby, control yourself woman.
mine still fucking sucks
blame pat.
Quote:Yeah you weren't in on the joke and now you are all crabby, control yourself woman.
wrong again. i found it cute but was just disappointed in your lack of imagination in regards to mine. its my fault for holding you to a higher standard. :-(
I think it's great, it was better than the other suggestions.

Like: "the whiney bitch Zippy Aidsface"
i am almost in tears seeing you like this.

:32: :32: :32:
I kindof liked the Strokey Mcsomething one
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