Full Version: forum contest week #4
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well, if it's ending tomorrow, i won't be on again, my gonzo vote still stands.
You can't vote for me, I am not eligable, I can rename the forum anytime.
we know how powerful you are FTL. no need to brag
You keep this up and I shall start to get upset.
well, i was going to vote for gonzos but he has removed himself from consideration. then i was going to select WBK's until i remembered that he invalidated his entry by giving gooch a penis. so i selected hedcolds , but then i remembered the phantom fat guy in his picture and changed my mind.

The winner is :


for his second one. i know its not in suzies house but it is still funny as hell.
the forum is his for 2 weeks.
but you said I couldnt have the forum fucko, shit i'd have taken it.

Plus we should all get a say, i liked hedcolds.
Ok I just looked at Alkeys again, you're right he wins.
when i stated the rules weeks ago, no one complained. too late now
Pfft and you call me FTL.
too late , you agreed with me.
Sure thing, I wouldn't want you to get into a hissy about your rules and power.
you are one to talk. Rolleyes
yeah, comin from you that's a laugh.
right back at ya!
If that's not the mug calling the cup half empty.
So long, Shari Beth. :10:
alkie has given me his choice and i will now go implement it.

its a doozie!
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