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there is a weighting list to join,

but I doubt it would hold her.
Quote:people hate me less on that board then this one

who hates you here? among the people who still post here, anyway?
just when i thought it was impossible for you to be less funny.
i don't hate you.
I don't either - what is this hate you speak of?
I don't believe doc,

but Keyser drives me nuts,
the constant critique of my posts is kinda OASish.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I don't believe doc,

but Keyser drives me nuts,
the constant critique of my posts is kinda OASish.
that's because he has no life.
Me or Mr. Sussudio
not you Doc - the Mayor of Hoboken.
Dan from Hoboken?
Is he still sending Instant Feedbacks?
He writes them on toilet paper before he wipes his ass with them.
Anthony still reads them though.
I can only imagine how many rolls he goes through.
They say ass-kissing has a laxative effect...I shudder at the thought
Bah. You pansy asses couldn't handle that board.

Hottie, there was a time when YOU could barely handle that board.
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