Full Version: CDIH and YMB are merging!
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Just like Tupac came back on Sept 13th.
Quote:Just like Tupac came back on Sept 13th.

And August 9th and May 20th........
demod everyone, pick a number, and have a vote to find out who is mod.
i would call it Flying Pigs
Galt Wrote:demod everyone, pick a number, and have a vote to find out who is mod.
yeah right, with our luck it will be grumpy, afrika, subzero, and splatt.
I'd cancel payment.

Edited By IrishAlkey on 1065036885
subzero could mod the new "staring silently" forum

all the posts would consist of "..."
what happened to SLASH?
If that happened, it's not the kind of board I would ever post on anyone
yeah, why isn't galt a mod?
i didnt read this thread. cliffnotes plz.
False alarm.
your sig is amazing. this thread should be about your sig from this point on.
I was hoping you liked it. :2:
i think i need a nap
I can't believe you people actually spend the time to input every game, movie, and CD that you own into that friggin site.

What baffles me more is that Gonzo has over $20,000 worth of media
Most of his CDs are probably burned.
So what virgin are we going to sacrifice to the Message Board Gods to make this a smooth transition?
can there be weekly loser leaves town, posting wars, or whatever the fuck that thing was?
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