Full Version: CDIH and YMB are merging!
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I will have 20 mods and 5 admins!
Hell, lets just merge with all the message boards on the net.

We can have forums for everyone!
Quote:Ummmm.... no.

You missed the roll call.

You can Mod Kens Wasteland though.
Screw you guys. I'm gonig back to work. My work is more fullfilling.
counting inventory?
You are in Jack, do you honestly think I would do this without you?

you're the main cheese at our new site, "a cold day in your moms box"
One skittle...

Two skittles...

Three skittles...


Four! Four skittles!
The count would never count skittles, he seemed more an M&M's guy to me. We'll have to work these things out since you and I are going to become one well oiled machine.
So wait, is this for real or just a running joke that I still don't get?
Galt and I already decided that there will be a CDIH forum.

That's what you get to play in.
Merger is off, I bet you thought we were all gonna move to YMB and that would be fair and equal?

YOU... YOU!!!
What's to joke about?

An online messageboard is the last place i expect to be seein' jokes!
close them both, create a new name, new URL start fresh.

Like when BBN and NYNEX merged and created Genuity
I feel bad......

I love Gonzo very much, and hope that none of my statements or actions imply otherwise.
I don't see you throwing any ideas around!
Galt Wrote:close them both, create a new name, new URL start fresh.

Like when BBN and NYNEX merged and created Genuity
Oh boy we will definetly need a table discussion to set all this straight, drop the O&A stuff to just one forum though.
With all these fucking mods, we'll need as many forums as we can get.
well the golden age forum will be perfect for all your O&A nonsense.
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