Full Version: CDIH and YMB are merging!
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Messageboards are key players in the bull market.
GREAT NEWS! T-Shirt Hell is onboard with us - here come the banners!! :banana: :banana:
If this is going to happen.....someone really needs to find Ikeaboy!
if this is going to happen, they're going to have to agree to let the whole O&A thing go already and move on.
Is it better to burn out than to fade away ??
Why does it need to happen? I consider that board a whole other wing of forums. It's just that you have to keep two browser windows open.
burn out, people will then remember you
he has a good point. but id like to see the same people from both boards posting in the same forums.
They hate us. It's more fun to be where you're not welcomed.
you've convinced me. im sold.
diceisgod Wrote:They hate us. It's more fun to be where you're not welcomed.
I beg to differ. Thanksgiving dinner at my baby momma's house is chock full of crappiness
who goes to thanksgiving dinner at their babys mommas house? doesnt she have a new boyfriend???
That's what you get for knocking up a terrorist
Look it's broken:

Quote:Database connection error!!!
A connection to the Database could not be established.
Please check your username, password, database name and host.
Also make sure config.php is rightly configured!

When connecting, the database returned:
Error 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
I started this really funny thread there,
everyone was trying to read it,

the system couldn't handle it....

though I understand FTL is working on it as we speak.
IThree people posted simultaneously huh?
Jack > FTL
Keyser Soze Wrote:who goes to thanksgiving dinner at their babys mommas house? doesnt she have a new boyfriend???
You're forgetting rule #1.

I suck
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