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you poor man Undecided
Goatweed, I believe you missed me. :banana:
with the truck, yes.
every now and then goat makes me laugh really hard.
That he does, good work goaty.
Quote:nobody with my kind of money pays that much. we can afford CPA's who know how to get around paying most of our taxes. we rely on you poor people to make up the slack. BWAA HAHAHA!!

i often copy a post, meaning to reply to it, then i read the 6 pages worth that followed and turned into complete nonsense making what i copied complete nonsense too. but fuck you, that's why i'm stuck paying 25% on my 20k a year, thanks a lot, ass.
let arpi marry you.
Arpi is full of shit. Unless he owns property (which he has already said he doesn't) the vast majority of tax loopholes were closed during the 80s. All the limited partnership losses being used to offset income is no longer possible. It's either property or owning a business and having your company pay for everything. Two things that Arpi doesn't have. Along with, I would assume a fraction of the money he pretends to make.
Keyser Soze Wrote:every now and then goat makes me laugh really hard.
Me too. Ask him about Charles Bronson's cheese commercial for an example.
Splatterpunk Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:every now and then goat makes me laugh really hard.
Me too. Ask him about Charles Bronson's cheese commercial for an example.
you made the unfunney even more unfunney - bravo!
It's quite funny.
just for you

Galt Wrote:It's either property or owning a business and having your company pay for everything. Two things that Arpi doesn't have. Along with, I would assume a fraction of the money he pretends to make.
2 of your 3 suppositions are incorrect, as per usual.
you got money, we know.
i am not the one who keeps bringing it up. galt cant stop talking about it.
You swim in your coin like scrooge mcduck, we got it.
Do you wear a one piece swimsuit like he did? You know the ones from the 20's, with a swimming cap on.. cause that would be adorable. The swimming outfit should be red and white stripped.
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