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and while you spin they laugh and point and eventually someone takes a picture of you screaming and flailing your arms as you spin. they then publish a series of these pictures in a coffee table book called, "dizzy jew boy". it becomes a best seller and for the rest of your life whnever people see you they spin and yell "dizzy jew boy" and point and laugh as you go by.
If you keep on talking so much how is Air Apple Sauce gonna land?

Open up, come on.

the bastards stole my candy!!
i take back everything i said about gonzo spending all that time on ymb.

i have had so much fun posting on there today. there is a virtual cornacopia of morons over there ripe for the picking. as much as i enjoy having conversations with people who have an IQ above room temp, it is like shooting fish in a barrel over there. we should open the floodgates and let these retards in. this board is dead as a doorknob today.
yeah, i just read all that. it's pretty sad that even you're able to completely dominate an argument.
So basically you wanna be arpi for a day.
you gotta check out their WOW forum.
No thank you.
GonzoStyle Wrote:So basically you wanna be arpi for a day.
i own you. you make it so obvious.
If you don't open up, I am never feeding you apple sauce again!!!
i am lactose intolerant. no apple sauce for me.
It's gerber green peas for you old man!!

and no choo choo this time, I am pinching your nose and shoving the spoon in.
i think trish posts her boobies on there!!!
there's milk in applesauce?

and no, i've never posted my boobs there
crx girl Wrote:there's milk in applesauce?

and no, i've never posted my boobs there
they still get around.
Quote:I am pinching your nose and shoving the spoon in.
Make sure you lube him up first...
crx girl Wrote:there's milk in applesauce?

and no, i've never posted my boobs there
there is more lactose in apples than in milk.
That little tid bit was brought to you by the letter A.
I'm going to get the dumb girl I know who is lactose intollerant to eat a lot of apples.
I'll save everyone the time

dumb = fat
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