Full Version: Where I have been...
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60feet, 460, whatever it is
well that's just stupid. How could you get 460 mixed up with 60 feet? Totally different.
i knew what he meant.
34% tax bracketer
nobody with my kind of money pays that much. we can afford CPA's who know how to get around paying most of our taxes. we rely on you poor people to make up the slack. BWAA HAHAHA!!
All that money makes your life complete.
yes, yes it does.

i feel that you are logged in more than i.
how would you know if you claim to not be logged in as much as he is?
You been gone like 6 months and you come back with an emoticon?
Keyser Soze Wrote:how would you know if you claim to not be logged in as much as he is?
Bland told me.
and arpi took a 4 month bitch hiatus.
GonzoStyle Wrote:You been gone like 6 months and you come back with an emoticon?
I've been reading for an hour but could find nothing to respond to until my full sense of disapproval had returned. You can't just all rush in.

There's a quote button. Very nice.
I've taken atleast a year in sabbaticals.
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