Full Version: Where I have been...
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He's got the gums for it.
oh yea, cause me and you and black laz hung out in real life Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
you almost had us fooled with that "jorge posada" thing!
The Sleeper Wrote:oh yea, cause me and you and black laz hung out in real life Rolleyes Rolleyes Rolleyes
danked will be upset
HedCold Wrote:you almost had us fooled with that "jorge posada" thing!
If I was jorge, i'd be fucking drusilla not talking to you losers.
It's totally normal for 4 guys to watch the superbowl, then watch porn... alone... together.
It wasn't just any old regular porno, the writing was amazing we watched it for the acting.
combustible dildos!
Is that the new band you and Hybrid are hooked on?
and burning vaginas!!
yes, and where were you mr. I'm too cool to come over and watch football and combustible dildo porn?
Earning a living...
and let us not forget, then debbie does dallas came on.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Earning a living...
Keeping silera (aka the bread winner) happy
You're pushing my buttons!
I am not, call me a liar.
It took you 7 minutes to convince yourself enough to post that.
I needed to cool off, man!
So my Jordan analogy didn't do it for you...Alkey's foolishness did it...I'm shamed...
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