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i think feeche will return too, so what, he boosted a bunch of dvd players.
I thought he was holding stolen flat screen tv's?
My TV!

That's what happened to it.
well get you ass over to Feech's place, he doesn't need it anymore.
sorry, sleepers thread had me flustered.
it happens, no worries.
Danked Wrote:My TV!

That's what happened to it.
it's a shame we never got our movie night
Like we would have had time for movies during all that sweet sweet lovin' we'd make.
Feech violated his parole, he's gonna serve out the remainder of his term so he ain't gonna be back. He may appear later on while in jail, maybe someone tells him it was tony who set him up and he tries to get some revenge maybe if not on tony maybe on christopher.

Maybe Feech teams up with Buscemi's character, feech did help him out a lot and gave him some dough and took care of him. A rift between the two tony's could be interesting if feech finds out. Or maybe Buscemi finds out and tells feech.

There's a few possibilities but maybe none of them happen, so who knows.
A friend of mine has probably the best, and yet most difficult, method for watching the sopranos. He doesn't watch any of the episodes when they first air. Instead, he watches the full season DVD when it comes out. I've got to say it's a great idea because he's not left waiting a week to see the next episode. But, I can't imagine hearing about the show and knowing it's on and just not watching it.

As for this season, I am hoping that Buscheme gets back in the game and just goes buck wild killin' up stuff. I thought that Chris and the little guy were gonna kill Loggia when they went to his house. Sending him to jail instead was, eh.

Finally, how come they can get all the old chicks to get naked (or have body doubles naked), but none of the hot young chicks get naked?
Cause of the simple reason, we want to see the young chicks naked. The old chicks are just happy to be working so they'll blow a horse if they have to.

I do what your friend does with The Shield but only cause I don't get FX, otherwise i'd watch it every week when it was on.
A buddy of mine at work does that for 24 also.

And i read that the next season of sopranos isn't until beginning 2006 pretty much status quo.
Read in the Post yesterday that Drea DeMattea is supposed to be in the FRIENDS' spin-off JOEY. It also said she's contractually signed to the Soprano's for the next/last season also.
Yeah there's a huge layoff until the final 10 episode season of sopranos, I heard something like 16 or 18 months from the date of this seasons finale. So yeah like spring 2006 or something.

It's just ridiculous but what the fuck you gonna do. Honestly Chase has stated that he knows how its gonna end already, I can understand the writing and whatnot. But the show while shot nicely and done well doesn't seem like it should take 2 years to shoot and edit 10 episodes. What the fuck is he Lucas?

The locations are pretty constant, 80% of the time they are in a closed enviorment. It's tony's house, tony's mothers house, the bada bing, a doctors office, a lawyers office, melfi's office, or a slew of other places like hotel rooms and restaurants.
Im still waiting to see all the scenes and places that were shot in Queens. Alot were shot around my way.
the long wait just increases interest, which is why i think they hold it back for so long.
If you guys hate women I just read in Maxim that Alison Dunbar (who plays Young Carmine's wife) is gonna be stirrin up shit in this season.
I loved that episode. It was pretty solid throughout and an excellent departure from the standard format of most episodes where here they focused on a single story. I've always loved College from season 1 for that reason.

Best line tonight...
Everyone knows you've been the biggest cooze-hound the last 2-3 years. You're mid-life crisis. You'd fuck a catcher's mit
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