Full Version: Sopranos - Season 5
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I've never felt such irrational anger at people who dont really exist. I wanted to put my fist through the screen when i realized that the dream sequence wasnt just gonna be a couple of minutes long.
Worst of all, i missed the beginning with the fire and the whacking. What happened?
did he really move in? i thought it was for the night...on the episode guide it says "tony treats himself to a night in the city"
the worst episode ever
I thought he said he was moving out of the house. He even brought pictures of his kids.
The dream shit just lasted way to long. And then i kept thinking is this still a dream or is this real now.
so damn stupid. Waste of an entire episode.
The only thing that was good was "You're Annette Benning". I was thinking the same thing when he said it "who is that broad, I can't think of her name?"
I have one question though, I didnt catch the actors name who was playing the husband to annette benning but wasn't that the guy who played the cop who was on tony's take in season one. Then he got busted in the whorehouse and commited suicide or am I just confusing them?
yes that was him.
was there any significance that I missed or did they just run out of actors to hire?
john heard.
what did he hear?
hardy har har
I thought you meant like Johnny Sack heard something.
Poor girl.
'bout fucking time
i enjoyed this episode.
that was some good shit right there.
made up for last week
No. Not possible.
Definetly a great episode, especially when dealing with the double edged sword in the episode.

Christopher gave it some thought over a couple hours and gave up the woman he loved who he was gonna married. Yet when push came to shove Tony wouldn't give up his cousin, I dont think this thing is over with chrissy as far as between he and tony. I think chrissy may be the heir apparent to tonys throne and tony aint gonna see it comin.

The thing with Johnny Sack is about fuckin time, Tony was lookin like a fuckin pussy and Sack wasnt even a boss yet and he's talkin down to the boss of Jersey. Though I see Johnny's position and in an unbiased situation I gotta side with Johnny and I think Tony agreed but he was sick of Johns fuckin smug attitude.
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