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Oh yeah and whats this 2 weeks bullshit, its not enough we had to wait almost 2 years between seasons and now probably another 2 years for the next season?
Didnt Silera call this before the season started ??
shes dead! :19: you knew something had to happen but still..... i thought this last episode was one of the best of the season... im actually excited to see the last of the season now....
Will it be Tony B or Christopher that Tony S gives up?
this ep BETTER deliver as promised.

(or at least more than philadelphia horses)
don't hold your breath
yawn...........what a waste of time. this entire season has been a let down. Rolleyes
yeah I gotta admit not much was resolved, nothing really went forward. A lot of shit got started but didnt go anywhere or died out in the same episode. All of the new characters they added are already gone, cept for frank vincent.

The episode with adriana and tony flirting and chris goin insane was a great episode with a lot of tension but that was about it. All the drama that was built between tony and johnny was a bunch of hot air. The whole seperation/divorce bullshit was a waste of time, as was the whole romance the first couple episodes between tony tryin to get with melfi. Then the fuckin dream sequence last episode, just a waste all around.

Now we gotta wait till 2006 to see how they tie all this shit together.
that fat fuck sure can move when motivated.
Quote:Now we gotta wait till 2006 to see how they tie all this shit together.

You're assuming that they WILL tie all this shit together. I bet even more story lines get dropped.
I wasn't able to sit down and pay full attention to the whole episode last night, how much of the NY family was affected? I know Johnny Sack got taken away, but what about Leotardo and the rest?
Basically when Tony called his lawyer he said that Tony wasnt even named in the case. He said that they were going after NY so I would imagine the entire echelon of the NY family is gonna take a hit, though tony was on some of the tapes as well.

But now you gotta worry about do they now start building a case against tony from the tapes and guys flippin'.
i finally watched it. george was right, i didn't miss much.
I really liked it. The scene with Paulie and Tony and Paulies house was very funny. Tony B's head gettin splattered was cool also. And ya gotta love tonys fat ass running through the woods at the end. All and all the season was ok. I think everyone just expects too much from the show. So of course your let down when they dont give ya what you think is gonna happen.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Oh yeah and whats this 2 weeks bullshit, its not enough we had to wait almost 2 years between seasons and now probably another 2 years for the next season?
Quote:Two-Year Wait for 'The Sopranos'

The final season of HBO's The Sopranos, which will likely include only ten episodes, won't air until 2006, HBO Chairman Chris Albrecht told TV critics yesterday at their annual press tour. Albrecht defended the delay, saying "People complain that TV does the same formula all the time ... and now people seem to be upset that we aren't following the formula we're supposed to be following" by scheduling it two years from now. News reports indicated that production of the final series won't begin until March, 2005.

Ok, when people say they don't like how tv follows formulas, they aren't saying they would hope that tv shows would schedule their shoots and episode schedules erratically.
HBO was kinda cocky about it. they said something like "the sopranos are like the harry potter movies. people will wait for a sequel"
I can't wait to see how much bigger Hermione's breasts get.
you sick bastard
She'll be legal by then, no?
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