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that was a great episode. i had a feeling from the preview last sunday that they might whack christopher. i like how the whole thing played out and how buschemi's character intervened. the season as a whole has been shaping up pretty well, i'm pleased with how good its been so far.
i loved when he came back for the pizza, and when chris was smacking around his chick.
tony coming back for the pizza was my favorite part of the episode.
"...are you a doctor?

"No, I'm a pre-certified massage therapist."
things are definetly getting fuckin interesting, this seasons definetly been a fuckin relief after 2 dismal seasons.

I was in tears when the kid rolled up on Vito suckin off the security guy, amazing stuff.

who else thinks that one of the tony's is gonna be the end of the other? Either Tony has to whack buscemi cause Johnny Sack's gonna find out the truth or tony gets whacked cause well johnny sack finds out. Might even drag into next season.

Plus this chrissy thing looks interesting now, especially with the fact him and paulie also gotta have a head to head eventually, paulie was ready to sell him down the fuckin river when tony wanted to kill chrissy.
I found Meadow to be interesting also...her basically "acting stupid" to what her father's friends really are, almost like she not only accepts it but feigns ignorance in order to either put it to her use or to control it at some point in the future (like maybe get more involved, etc.).

Nice to see Carmela getting the screws - not for nothing, but shes crying like she's got nothing when shes got more in her kitchen than most in their own houses.

That parking lot hummer was hysterical - and still goes to show that this show can still throw a curveball at you when you least expect it.
Yeah fuckin carmela, fuckin bitching like she's gotta go get a second job to make the rent on some shitty apartment. Cut back on a fuckin spa appoitment, fuckin cunt.

As for meadow, I don't really care that much about her whole drama and shit but she had some fuckin gaul to say "you shouldn't wait for people to hand you stuff" in the same scene as she's buying shit on a credit card that her father pays off for her.

I don't really think Meadow was acting stupid, I mean she knows who they are and what they do. But she never saw something like Finn saw, first off she was tony's daughter so everyone was on eggshells around someone like her plus she's a girl. So she knows what they do in theory but I doubt she's ever seen anything up close.

I think meadow actually deep down was upset cause of the whole "I dunno you pick" bullshit he kept on giving her. Her male role model is her father who is a take charge guy who makes the decisions and doesnt pussyfoot around with "oh whatever you want, I dunno". I think thats what she wanted, she was relieved when he proposed cause he finally made a decision on his own even though I think he either did it cause he caved in and didnt wanna lose her or he thinks if he's Tony's "future" son-in-law then Vito cant touch him.
I was probably looking too far into it, but she seemed to not be all that worried about it - plus she's a smart cookie.

Yeah, I thought that was funny too (with the credit card) - they all have their sense of morals and responsibilities outta whack, its hysterical.
Goatweed Wrote:I was probably looking too far into it, but she seemed to not be all that worried about it - plus she's a smart cookie.

Yeah, I thought that was funny too (with the credit card) - they all have their sense of morals and responsibilities outta whack, its hysterical.
All of their perspectives are out of joint.

And I too thought Finns proposing was (at least partly) to protect him.

Gotta lub that the gay mobster is a Yankee fan though.
Quote:Gotta lub that the gay mobster is a Yankee fan though.

I bet he likes don mattingly, the mattingly yankee fans are like hassidics are to normal jews, they don't represent us all.
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I was watching jeopary and thought of Goat.

The only yankee captain to never win a world series.

Umm who is Don Mattingly, alex?

he'll get his ring this year, and he wont have to break his back to do it.
because getting a ring as a hitting coach is totally the same
the yanks wont win a ring as long as mattingly is in that dugout
i actually like don mattingy, i just think theres something to this mattingly curse.
3 episodes left you'd figure it would really get interesting and surprise its the most ridiculous and boring episode of the season. This is what we waited almost 2 fuckin years to see? I figured after season 2 we wouldn't have to go through these fuckin tony dream sequence episodes again.

The episode started off with so much promise and then the second half was just fuckin painful. Once again the fuckin previews made it look good but then it was all out of context.
When I noticed there was a post on this topic, I decided that if you had said anything positive about the second half of that episode I would have quit the board right then and there.

The beginning was so good, with that hot Head of the Class chick catching on fire, and then the Goodfellas style hit. It was great.

As soon as he went to the Plaza it went down hill. I'm sure as the Boss Tony makes good money and stuff, but "moving into" the Plaza. That's gotta be something like $30k a month cash. Give me a break.

And it's also pretty friggin high profile. I know he is paying in cash and has a fake credit card so he supposedly would be clean, but that seems like a foolish risk that a boss wouldn't make. And all his business dealings are in Jersey. Why wouldn't he just move into a hotel there?

I hope whoever was in charge of this episode gets fired.
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