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Obama Smoking
You know, when I was growing up the term 'role model' didn't even exist. If it did, it sure wasn't used with the proliferation it is today.

Movie stars, singers, sports figueres are only entertainers. None of them signed up to be a role model for anyone. First, that's s crap load of pressure that no one needs, and second it's putting responsibility where it should not lie. If you have kids you need to be the one to instill 'right' thinking in them. To rely or even give power to those in the public eye for being an 'example', or role model is folly IMHO.

Obama was hired to clean this country up and get us out of this mess. He was not hired to be a role model.

As for the 'broken promise' to his wife - you think that just possibly she gets how hard it might be to quit, and that she's completely understanding of it? Couples that are in sync, are good with each other that way - naturally.
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