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plumpenut Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:yeah, I'd say good but not great, lots of room for improvement. Maybe a B-

work on the cuts and transitions between segments, and play less music. Like, none.

You are becoming quite the celebrity "that guy that takes pictures of girls"

Yeah it looks that way, it could be worse I suppose.

mayorofawesometown Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:If anyone connected with the show is reading this...

Please, no more music during best of. I would rather listen to one of the interns try and talk off the cuff about news and current events than hear anymore limp biz.

Are you saying that you're not blastin' out the hot sh*t or that rock sh*t?

Are you not lettin' 'em bounce in the mosh pit?

By all means, mosh away, just not during the show
Wowie Groovie !

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