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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Official O&A vs D&M thread

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Official O&A vs D&M thread
Tussle King
I swear it was this big
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 10:17 AM      
Registered: May. 02
scoop49er, O&A and D&M DO NOT attract the same audience. D&M are dead. It's over for them. 5 people listen to them in NY, and those 5 people really wouldn't care if they were taken off the air.

D&M wanted O&A's drive home spot, and O&A gave them the finger. Wouldn't you be bitter if someone else was trying to take over your spot at your job? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to prevent it? You would, and so did O&A.

And as far as bad-mouthing a show, people should listen to what they like, not what someone else tells them is good. I love O&A, and nothing that anybody says will change that.

what's a status?
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:06 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I guess they are in best of mode. Just turned them on at 11 and they were talking about NSync being gay or something. I guess WNEW is doing the radio chick deal where they played her best of until they got a replacement. Just put Ron and Fez reruns on from 11-3 as Peter Dragon and I have said. You would get better ratings than best of shit that was not listened to in the first place.

posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:19 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
It's not just WNEW...they're not live on JFK either.

Pure speculation, but perhaps they got suspended again for being uncooperative with mgmt?

posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:22 AM      
Registered: May. 02
Just goes to show how stupid D and M really are, or I should say Don, because Mike just goes along for the ride, King Tool himself, they just wouldn't let O and A go, they had to fuck around, and look now, look who is laughing, you stupid tools, good move bringing Leah on the show to, now she saw what tools you are, I hope it was worth it you idiots, because you just look RIDICULOUS. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Fuck Off

This message was edited by TopFlyer on 6-4-02 @ 11:36 AM
I'm not sure if I'm gay for Don or Mike, but you can still marvel at my agenda.
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:44 AM      
Registered: May. 02

Registered: May. 02
Just goes to show how stupid D and M really are, or I should say Don, because Mike just goes along for the ride, King Tool himself, they just wouldn't let O and A go, they had to fuck around, and look now, look who is laughing, you stupid tools, good move bringing Leah on the show to, now she saw what tools you are, I hope it was worth you idiots, because you just look RIDICULOUS. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Could you please use the term "tool" a little more. I don't think you said it enough times for us to get your point.

posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:47 AM      
Registered: May. 02
Well Obviously you did get my point, you fucking TOOL

I'm smaat!
While the rest of the mods on here have calmed down over the last few months, one (Me!) has risen to the top of his class - with banning, and holding grudges, and being a whiney little BITCH (Me, Buttmunch!!!11!). (Look at how much I get under this guy's skin!)
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 11:54 AM      
Registered: May. 02
It's amazing that a show that has been (basically) off the air for a full week is still getting this much attention from an OA fan board.

Mr Self Destruct
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 12:00 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
Amazing indeed. Even more amazing is that you noticed that.

"Trust and you'll be trusted, Says the liar to the fool!"
-Peter Steele

posted on 06-04-2002 @ 2:33 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
I think it's pathetic that a show that is syndicated in more markets than O&A has a message board wiht less than 40 total members and you are bounced if you criticize the show.

what's a status?
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 2:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
What's more amazing is that we are still posting about them. We did not care before, why care now. Listen to music and let DOn and Mike fade off into oblivion.

Fast Freddy
Voted Most Likey to Suck Weed! be a fucking retarded douchebag!
The next old thread I bring up officially starts the mods in a race to ban me.
Flock wins!
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 2:41 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

What's more amazing is that we are still posting about them. We did not care before, why care now. Listen to music and let DOn and Mike fade off into oblivion.


No love needed, fuck off
Buttmunch thinks I should go get fucked, because I'm too incoherent to be listened to.
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 5:19 PM      
Registered: May. 02
i apolgogiseaaaaaa! for my spelling. i was writing so damn fast. my point was don and mike and o and a do get the same type of listeners. people who are very loyal to their shows. yes they are different in regards to lifestyles but not really to a point. don and mike are basically older versions of o and a. don used to be a partying dopehead and mike is now separated for the second and is huge binge drinker. in about 7 years, o and a will sound like them whether u like it or not. d aon m have done everything o and a are going through now. but the thing that separates them is o and a have made it in ny and that gives them a chance to become bigger than don and ike ever were. i know u love their show and i enjoy them, but stop and be objective. how far up can o and a actually go? other than stern, there are not very many that do the "shock radio" format at a high level. mark and brian were average a long time ago but they sold their souls to disney and now are horrible. don and mike took it to another level. now, o and a are taking it further. that is a fact on all levels. but in radio, there isnt much higher for them to go. i truly believe that they should have balls and go somewhere else and challenge stern in the mornings. but in reality, i think they are gonna wait a couple of years and wait and see what stern does. look, o and a are doing well but like i said, they havent felt the syndication pressure yet. u saw how they reacted when the d.c ratings came out when they first were in d.c. syndication is where infinity will judge o and a. as of now, i dont think they have the passion or drive to make it out of the new york area. and that will be their downfall if they dont get off their ass and start working harder. their fans deserve that. u people who listen deserve that. aw, fuck it, who wants a beer!

posted on 06-04-2002 @ 6:36 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

my point was don and mike and o and a do get the same type of listeners. people who are very loyal to their shows. yes they are different in regards to lifestyles but not really to a point. don and mike are basically older versions of o and a.

You are totally missing the point. My Dad is basically an older version of me. That does not mean we have a ton in common. For example, we both have similar senses of humor, but the subject matter of the things he finds funny is completely different than the subjects that crack me up. For example, he finds jokes about married life to be funny alot more often than I do. He's been married for almost 30 years, I've never even thought about it.

Just because someone has some similarities to another person does not mean that they have everything in common. Yes, Mike may drink alot, but at the end of the day he's still got kids he has a responsibility to. Hell, D&M both have kids, and as anyone on this board who does will tell you, thier weekends are alot different than when they didn't have them. Different experiences lead to different topics, which lead to a different style of radio show.

The main problem that D&M have at NEW is that thier style totally clashes with the rest of the station. No doubt about it, that they can be successful. Following Ferrall and preceeding O&A is not the way to do it. They belong in a package following someone closer to thier own style of show. Someone like Imus. Before you dismiss that idea, Imus's listenership is considerably older than O&A's on average. His style of show has matured as his audience has. I'm sure that many of D&M's long time listeners in DC would feel the same way. I'm sure that I may very well feel the same way about O&A, Ron and FEZ, ect..., if I am still listening to them in ten to fifteen years.

Daniel from Alabama
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 9:36 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
In case anyone gives a shit, there is a poll up on (it's towards the bottom of the page), that is letting the listeners vote whether or not to keep D&M on their station.

Fast Freddy
Voted Most Likey to Suck Weed! be a fucking retarded douchebag!
The next old thread I bring up officially starts the mods in a race to ban me.
Flock wins!
posted on 06-04-2002 @ 10:58 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02


F-Ing christ dude! You write way too much! Take some pills!

No love needed, fuck off
Kid Icarus
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 1:41 AM      
Registered: Jun. 02
I'm going to try and shed a little light on this whole escapade.

I'm from Washington D.C. so of course i'm familiar with Don & Mike. I remember the day O&A started in DC, I tuned in to JFK and thought what the hell, who are these guys? I havent stopped listening since. My loyalities lie with O&A but I still listen to Don and Mike before them. They arent a better show but I can see why they are successful in some areas. (Like Sacramento, see Poll someone posted)

Don and Mike have their moments but lately those moments are few and far between. They sense their tenure is coming to an end, and they are no longer getting their way with management so the show is slipping. And it's just sad listening to Don try to hash out insults to O&A and to Infinity management. I guess I just listen to the show to pass time when I have nothing better to do. A way to kill time until 3pm rolls around right?

I do like Buzz Burbank, I think his news segments are good but they dont let him do them anymore, and when he does they wont shut the fuck up. Ah hell I hate the fuckers as much as you all but for some sick reason I still listen. Fuck Me.

I have no idea what I was trying to say with this big mess. It's the drugs and I apologize. O&A own them in all aspects. I just hope the stupid DC D&M lovers dont try and get O&A kicked out of town.

One other thing: What are D&M's ratings in Philly? As bad as NY? I think Gay Marco could pull better ratings then D&M in NYC?

The Stupid Cupid
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 8:16 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
scoop49er, when people tell you to USE THE ENTER KEY, do you listen? You fucking 12 year old. Learn how to MAKE PARAGRAPHS!

And Don and Mike DON'T WORK on WNEW. I think that they would be a perfect fit with clear channel on Q 104. The radio chick doesn't work on that station and she was a much better lead-in to O&A than don and mike.

I bet you that people who have listened to WNEW since 1999 listened to The radio chick and were interested enough to stay with it until O&A came on.

If I didn't hear the radio chick on WNEW, I would have never hung around to listen to the rest of the station.

Don and Mike kinda bore me. They are funny at points, but they talk like they're 60 years old.

If they're not talking about wives and ex-wives, they're talking about their home lives. I can hardly feel sorry for people who make many times more money than me. Fuck 'em.

"You don't know who I am? Fool! Don't make me bitch-slap you!"
I'm smaat!
While the rest of the mods on here have calmed down over the last few months, one (Me!) has risen to the top of his class - with banning, and holding grudges, and being a whiney little BITCH (Me, Buttmunch!!!11!). (Look at how much I get under this guy's skin!)
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 9:24 AM      
Registered: May. 02
From the Don and Mike fan site:

"Don and Mike want to do their show, and they care about their audience, who
appreciates their support during this inconvenience. Their main concern is that
they are able to come on the air to speak the truth about certain things, rather
than say they "can't talk about it", as has happened in the past.

Don and Mike believe that the listeners need to hear the truth. It seems like
they're risking their careers to do the right thing, not just for the show, but
for their faithful audience.

There is more at play than meets the eye.

They want to do our show.

They CARE about our fans, who are being screwed over.

They refuse to come back and for the umpteenth time say, "We can't talk about
what happened."

It's the whole truth, or nothing.

To our listeners, it's a major distraction. They are taking our careers (and
millions of dollars) right to the edge of the line".

For whatever it's worth, which (I'm guessing) not too much.

This message was edited by surehappyitsthursday on 6-5-02 @ 9:34 AM
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 9:41 AM      
Registered: Jan. 01
OK If anyone is as bored as I am at work right now, please go to and vote at the bottom of the page for what you think Sacramento should be playing right now instead of Don and Mike.
I just think it's another great way to fuck with the bloated duo!

Tom C. from NJ
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 10:09 AM      
Registered: May. 02
This is the results as of 6/5/02 10:12 am est. Isnt it sad that Dim and Meek claim to be #1 in Sacramento? There fans dont even want to hear them live!!

As Don & Mike battle management back east ... would you want Best of Don & Mike shows this week or another live show?
1. Best of Don & Mike (3216) 63%

2. Live local show (449) 9%

3. Live national show (90) 2%

4. I don't care (1387) 27%

Total Votes: 5142

Give'em a Tussel of the hair for me!
I'm smaat!
While the rest of the mods on here have calmed down over the last few months, one (Me!) has risen to the top of his class - with banning, and holding grudges, and being a whiney little BITCH (Me, Buttmunch!!!11!). (Look at how much I get under this guy's skin!)
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 10:37 AM      
Registered: May. 02
Ummm..."Don and Mike Back Live" isn't an option.

LOOK!! All my "N"s are capitalized!!!
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 1:41 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
As of 1:45pm:

As Don & Mike battle management back east ... would you want Best of Don & Mike shows this week or another live show?
1. Best of Don & Mike (4363) 68%

2. Live local show (503) 8%

3. Live national show (120) 2%

4. I don't care (1398) 22%

Total Votes: 6384

I'm not sure if I'm gay for Don or Mike, but you can still marvel at my agenda.
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 1:49 PM      
Registered: May. 02

Registered: May. 02
This is the results as of 6/5/02 10:12 am est. Isnt it sad that Dim and Meek claim to be #1 in Sacramento? There fans dont even want to hear them live!!

As Don & Mike battle management back east ... would you want Best of Don & Mike shows this week or another live show?
1. Best of Don & Mike (3216) 63%

2. Live local show (449) 9%

3. Live national show (90) 2%

4. I don't care (1387) 27%


I just realized why O&A's fans like their show so much. They seem to have the attention span of a goldfish with Down Syndrome.

What's sad is you haven't the intelligence to read four short sentences and then make a coherent comment about them.

Read them again Einstein. None of the four options include hearing D&M live.

Go back to your glue sniffing and freon huffing. You're making the O&A fans look incredibly stupid.

Wait... they do enough of that all on their own.

posted on 06-05-2002 @ 3:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
eighty6max, you're the idiot. If 2o something% of people don't care and the majority just want to hear best of, then doesn't it mean that most people don't really want to hear Don and Mike Live in Sacramento?

And if you don and mike fans are so smart, then why is it that you're the only guy who actually had the power to rub two brain cells together and find this site?

And don't kid yourself. You're a bigger fan of opie and anthony than any one of us. you're a radiophille, eighty6max. Go f yourself

"You don't know who I am? Fool! Don't make me bitch-slap you!"
Tom C. from NJ
posted on 06-05-2002 @ 3:50 PM      
Registered: May. 02
"Read them again Einstein. None of the four options include hearing D&M live"

Really? What does Live national show mean? OR Live Local show? Go back to Dim and Meek Board and suck it. You did some good learning boy! Keep listening to O & A, you love them! You know why, because they are good and Dim and Meek are UN-funny!!

Give'em a Tussel of the hair for me!

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Displaying 326-350 of 553 messages in this thread.