Full Version: What Are You Drinking- Now
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Water...I could really go for some fresh lemonade from Roll n Roaster though....Brooklynites know what I'm talking about...
The coffee
HI-C orange drink from McDonalds.
ruby red grapefruit juice
Plain old water....weeeeee
Once again...
My usual...
Spring water.
Water. Hot Chocolate time soon.
Hershey's Goodnight good..... :love:
generic store brand v8 splash type stuff.
Too hot for hot chocolate...spilled it coke with lemon
red bull and stolichnaya limonaya.

mmmmm, mmmm, good!
Tea, heavy on the Bailey's!


Chocolate Milk. :drool: HMMMMMM.... chocolate.
after 9 Rolling Rocks, i'm home & have switched to Iced Tea & Bong Hits...


More fucking chocolate milk.
Quote:after 9 Rolling Rocks, i'm home & have switched to Iced Tea & Bong Hits...
Oh...I see...You copped...
Gonna share?
I drank a glass of Pepsi with my chinese food before.
more of that stopnshop carrot juice, it's actually not too bad at all :real good:
Ants in My Pants Wrote:I drank a glass of Pepsi with my chinese food before.
I had chinese for dinner too, but I had water with it, now I am drinking Iced tea.
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