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I need a drink....a nice cold beer.
today is just taking forever Confusedhot:
Diet Pepsi Twist and Freshly Brewed Iced Tea
AHH Behold the BrewMaster..He is here...Sorry if no one else gets that but so be it.
a miller lite. :moonie:
i just finished my pot of coffee. my stomach hurts.
Quote:i just finished my pot of coffee. my stomach hurts.

i hope it burns a hole through your stomach :roltflmao:

oh and im having a cup of coffee right now Smile
diet coke :pacman:
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:i just finished my pot of coffee. my stomach hurts.

i hope it burns a hole through your stomach
goddamn, you really hold grudges against people

i gots me some yummy iced tea
:no, really, fuck off: gin and tonic
Mountian Dew and SoCo, the choice of bigger rednecks southern wide!
Nice cold Pepsi
Sean Cold Wrote:Mountian Dew and SoCo, the choice of bigger rednecks southern wide!
that sounds like a diabetic coma if ever i heard one :fuggin:
I'm in the mood for something a little different than beer tonight

Light beer
Dr. Pepper
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:Dr. Pepper
Is it true that the Red Wings taste just fuckin like that?
Sean Cold Wrote:
Quote:Dr. Pepper
Is it true that the Red Wings taste just fuckin like that?
It's been a while, but from what I remember, yes, that is true.
I am just about finished with my 6-pack of O'Douls. After I am done, I am gonna go out and get into a fake fight.



not mixed though. Seperate glasses.
Maynard Wrote:Sprite and Water not mixed though. Seperate glasses.
Why do you need 2 drinks? Oh, nevermind, I forgot you enjoy the double fisting.
Water. Not even good water. Fucking tap water.
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