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your pushing it crx
hot chocolate, swiss miss, marshmellow lovers.that slurpee was cold, and whoever posted the stuff first made me want some
You are such a typical woman...
I said hot ovaltine...
You said yuck...
Then you had some fucking hot chocholate!!!
What the fuck is hot ovaltine???
Sheesh! :fuggin:
Quote:hot chocolate, swiss miss, marshmellow lovers
yeah, that's what i had, and why am i pushing it ikea?

and sluggo, if you can't tell the difference between hot chocolate and ovaltine, well, i didn't know it was possible, but you just may have smoked too much weed... :fuggin:

Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea....

But now thanks to you guys I will soon be having hot chocolate...the Hersheys Goodnight Kisses very very good.... :love:
i may soon switch to a Vanilla Chai from Dunkin' Donuts
Ok, ok, I'm going to bow to the pressure of the hot chocolate crowd and have some!

Chocolate GOOOOD! :love:
Oh and by the way, Ovaltine seems it actually good?

I could actually go for a latte...but that's too fancy for my neck of the woods....
extra large Vanilla Chai from Dunkin Donuts
ovaltine is different from hot chocolate, it's like how yoohoo isn't really chocolate milk. and i'm drinking water now, but i just ate this chocolate cream thingamajig that eric brought home from work, it was yummy Confusedlurp:
Iced tea.
second cup of coffee of today
Cool Nestea Iced Tea.
Definitely not enough alcohol....
A Budweiser, in less then an hour.
coffee, no milk, one sugar.
canada dry ginger ale
Cappucino Blast from Baskin Robbins, gives a nice boost for the rest of this afternoon. Does not have the same effect as say pills or cocaine, but I doubt my job would like me that hyper.
PEPSI, it's always PEPSI. Whenever I'm drinking something that's not a beer, it's a PEPSI. Unless I'm somewhere that only has Coke, it's PEPSI.
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