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Quote:and in none of them, not even once, ants liking me didn't cross your mind?
I'm still workin on that one, you know I suck at these things!
Why does it say sleeper is the last poster but I can't see what he said?

edit* nevermind

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on Jan. 22 2002 at 02:20
I was wondering that myself, but now you can, woohoo.
Ants in My Pants Wrote:
Quote:ok, I've read several of these threads and I'm gettng this weird vibe that Rape kinda likes Ants. Am I onto something?
You're close. Trish wants me too.
shhh, this isn't the rumours thread Wink oh yeah, i'm out of beer, so water it is...
Does an ice pop count as drinking? It's raspberry flavored.
mmm i like raspberry Confusedlurp:
crx girl Wrote:mmm i like raspberry Confusedlurp:
Would you like a lick?
yes please :pacman:
:got head: oh, you meant of the ice pop. Well, i finished that, I'll go get you another one though.
i don't really care what you get me, i'm just in the mood to put my mouth around something :got head:
crx girl Wrote:i don't really care what you get me, i'm just in the mood to put my mouth around something :got head:
crack, comment?
definitely gonna be taking a long hot shower soon...
mmm, trish in the shower.

[Image: spin2.gif] [Image: biggrinyoyoA.gif] [Image: multi.gif]

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on Jan. 22 2002 at 04:57
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:mmm, trish in the shower.

[Image: spin2.gif] [Image: biggrinyoyoA.gif] [Image: multi.gif]
yeah i think i might have to go check this one out :oh shit:
I always miss the good stuff!

Who votes Yes to painkillers at work? Confusedatan:

Yes to painkillers at work.
a Coke from BK.
Crystal Light Raspberry Iced Tea....shhh don't tell the librarian
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