Full Version: What Are You Drinking- Now
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Brrrr....freezing in my office....

Making hot chocolate mixed with coffee........brrrr
Pepsi, a little to early for the good ole budwieser
I drink iced tea like its my fucking job.
16 oz. cup of coffee
light and sweet, so three sugars here too
Sean Cold Wrote:Pepsi, a little to early for the good ole budwieser
No such thing!


A nice hot cup of AIDS... oh wait, she's not here. JK... just some hot chocolate. :thumbs-up:
Endurance Vitamin Water...found it around the corner from my house...its only $1.50 in Brooklyn. :bouncer:
beer...and a lot more to follow. tonight is BOOZAPALOOZA in my house!!!


Pepsi Twist... this shit is pretty good actually.


Lemonade Ice Tea.
I'm not drinking anything yet but I am eating cookies. :hungry:
A room tempature Corona............It won't be finished
Still want that chocolate cake from yesterday, but I'm about to make some chocolate milk.

PF, how will that chocolate cake be served, on your back, or on your front :fuggin: :thumbs-up:
third cup of coffee today
Cranberry Raspberry Snapple
lots of water and coffee. very hungover
Power-C Vitamin Water....

Still wanting the chocolate cake....I should call my grandma and tell her I'm sad and need cake... :hungry:
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