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Quote:You say that people didn't shut it off but how many times have you started to watch some shitty movie that you just had to finish cause you needed to know what the fuck happened? Didn't make it a good movie, it was just your morbid curiosity.
ROFL, good point.

But again....I think they were showing a side of the mafia that you never see or hear about. The inner workings of the business end. The other seasons had more grab you by the throat scenes, but I think the story line in this one stands up to all the other seasons (IMO). I liked seeing how they set up the HUD project. How money is tight for even the highest ranked mobsters in this declining economy. How people in the family date each other. How the FBI can put a squeeze on people. I loved the jury tampering scene. He had that guy scared shitless, and didn't even have to threaten him in so many words. I also liked seeing the interaction with the NY family this season. Excellent stuff. They're business associates that act in much the same way legitimate businesses are run.

I don't think they failed this was just a major change from what we're used to in their seasons.
I have to disagree. The failure was by not giving the fans what we wanted....violence and an escape from the reality's of normal life.

The story lines dragged and gave us nothing except a longing for previous seasons of past.

Once the writers started to show that Tony and crew as normal people they lost it. This past season was nothing more then a long circle jerk with no happy ending.

Chase appears to be just fulfilling his contract to do X number of shows and walk away with a huge paycheck. He sold his soul and we get nothing for it.
I already admited there were some good parts to the season but the sum of the parts did not make a good whole. Maybe personally knowing a lot of this stuff and little things like jury tampering and that a lot of mobsters really have no liquid money or as much as people may believe, is no big news break for me.
I could deal with the lack of violence if there was SOME resolution.

Think of how many open threads there are - and what was resolved? Junior's trial?
If something happened to Paulie, or Carmine, or Johnny Sack, or Christopher - even if it wasn't graphic - at least you would have come away with the feeling that SOMETHING happened.

I actually liked that they played Dean Martin at ungodly volume - kinda offbeat, humorous, but that shouldn't have been a highlight.
I agree I don't care if no one died but the fact remains all season long this was every episode in a nutshell...

climax from previous weeks promo, then the episode comes and you notice the way the promo was set up the scenes don't mean what you thought they did.

Pair that up with the episode basically being a climax to something that amazingly gets resolved before the show ends and never happens. Plus they would add in like 15-20 minutes of one inane storyline, like janice and baccala.

First johnny sack and ralphie are gonna be wacked then its resolved and they ain't. Carmine is gonna be wacked but its resolved he ain't oh by the way janice and baccala ate his dead wifes lasagna and that took up 10 minutes of the show... woopee.
maynard said ROFL. hahahhahhhahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaha
you're a comedy goldmine.
I hope ikeaboy is making a list of people to kill going by the replies in this thread and you're the first to go, ROFLMMFAOIQCDIUGHQGUDQWUGI
I Hope I Die For A Principle or A Belief that I had Lived for. I will die Before My Time Because I feel the shadow's Depth. So much I wanted to accomplish before I reached my Death. I have come 2 grips with the possibility and wiped the last tear from My eyes.
You'll die for your strong belief of skittles and go's.
skittles are yummy. especially the wild berry flavors.
Your grave can be a giant orange skittle, that would so rock. We could fly you out to seattle and bury you next to brandon lee.
you'd miss me
I was gonna post just now that I don't want you to die, I love you!!!! :loveya:
hahahahahahahahaha HALF BREED :loveya: :clueless: :thumbs-up: :lookatme: :loveya: :loveya:
I enjoyed last nights episode. Ok it wasnt a good season finale. But last years season finale blew also. I almost fell off the couch when the russian chick told carmela that she was fucking tony. Who thought that was gonna happen? Who thought tony was gonna get thrown out of his own house. The scenes were they were arguing and tony put his fist through the wall is classic. I dont watch the show for the killing. I like the characters and story. Good acting and a good story.
i had an angel and a devil on my shoulder when the finale was over. the angel told me pretty much the same thing maynard said. they didn't give everyone what they were expecting. a big bloody messy war between the new york and new jersey crew. no instead they gave us what the Soprano's was supposed to be from the start. about family. and oddy enough, tony was more careful to keep the relations with his mob family intact, for now, by calling off a hit on the new york crew's boss.

but tony couldnt keep his real family intact, which on an emotional level was far more traumatic and life altering. after digesting this episode a bit more, i think it was somewhat admirable they went the way they did. they could have done the safe, predicatable thing and given everyone what they wanted. maybe i'm just a strung out soprano's junkie but i still can't wait for next season.
Keyser proved what I knew all along, maynard is the devil.
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